Friday, October 30, 2009

Conductive Education News from North America

News regarding a Conductive Education Awareness Day and the Sixth Annual ACENA Conference has recently been posted on ACENA's website. Check out under "What's New" for the full information. I will give a little preview here.

Conductive Education Awareness Day
The Association for Conductive Education in North America (ACENA) will launch the first ever North American Conductive Education Awareness Day on Thursday, February 25, 2010.

A CE Awareness Day campaign ‘kit’ will be prepared and circulated to all ACENA members that will provide customizable press releases, letters to local government, Conductive Education stats and facts, sample advertisements with a common message, and a post-campaign evaluation. Look for the kit in late December.

6th Annual ACENA Conference
ACENA, in cooperation with March of Dimes Canada, will host its 6th Annual Conference in Toronto, Ontario, August 26-27, 2010. The Host Committee is very pleased to offer a forum for showcasing research, best practices, trends and specific issues related to the practice of Conductive Education for children and adults in North America.

Feel free to contact me for further information on these events or on ACENA in general.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A great day

It was a great day to be in the classroom today...
  • A very serious little girl who rarely speaks (and when she does it is only a whisper) was playing, laughing, and excitedly shouting "lion! lion!" in my morning group of little children.
  • One of my boys stood up by the plinth all by himself.
  • A previous wheelchair-user took unassisted steps all the way across the room.
There was so much laughter, cheering, and some misty eyes too. What a great day to be a conductor...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ACENA Newsletter with Article on Conductor Training

The latest Association for Conductive Education in North America (ACENA) Newsletter has recently been mailed out.

Articles include: "President's Column", "Fundraising by Movie", "Conductive Education on Demand", and a brief summary of the Fifth Annual ACENA Conference.

Also in this issue is the following article called "Aquinas College Conductor Teacher Training Program" written by Andrea Benyovszky, CET, ACENA Director of Practice.

After a hiatus on enrollment to the Conductive Education/Physically Impaired (POHI) training program, due to Michigan Department of Education changes in standards, Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI, is reinstituting the only Conductor Teacher training program in North America.

The Conductive Learning Center (CLC) will be working closely with Aquinas to market and recruit students to the program. Graduates of this program will receive an elementary, K-grade 5 teacher certification, K-grade 12 physically impaired (POHI) endorsement, and a Peto certified Conductor-teacher certificate. Past graduates of the program are highly qualified in the field and have found employment very quickly upon graduation from the program.

The requirements for the degree are:
  • 165 credit hours of classes (9 semesters)
  • 10 lab school hours/week sophomore through senior year
  • 1 semester student teaching (8 weeks general ed. and 8 weeks conductive ed.)
Potential candidates for the program are encouraged to contact Aquinas College, Director of Admissions, Angie Schlosser Bacon at (616) 632-2860, Nanette Clatterbuck, Dean of the School of Education at (616) 632-2973.

Andrea Benyovszky at the Conductive Learning Center would be happy to answer questions about the lab school requirement and Peto Institute's program at (616) 575-0575.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

An American CE Video: Conductive Learning Center

Andrew's posting on Conductive World this morning reminded me of this video from the Conductive Learning Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan. I don't know if it is the same video that he was referring to as being posted on Facebook. Perhaps it is. I enjoy the video so much, I thought it should be shared further.

Conductive World. "The American Way"


Conductive Learning Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan: