Tuesday, December 15, 2009

CE Workshop in North America

The Association for Conductive Education in North America (ACENA) and the Conductive Learning Center (CLC) in Grand Rapids are happy to announce a two day workshop in March 18-19, 2010:


-Age and Symptom specific programs in various CE group settings including Parent & Child, Early Childhood and Adolescent groups

-General background information about the conditions of spina bifida and spinal injury at an early age

-Symptom specific goals and tasks in the heterogeneous CE group setting especially focusing on children with spinal injury/spina bifida

-Concepts such as activities during the daily routine, group work, motivation, intention, facilitation, and differentiation in a heterogeneous-symptom group setting

The workshop is suggested for:

Related Credentialed Professionals
Program directors/Administrators who are collaborating with CETs in CE settings.


Conductive Learning Center
2448 Burton S.E, Grand Rapids, MI
Phone: 616 575 0575

Fee: $200 for ACENA members. (Includes snacks and lunch at the Center for both days)

Deadline for Application: January 10th, 2010

The course will take place under the condition that at least 5 applications are received.

Note: Information taken from www.acena.org.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Just Do It!

I received my copy this weekend. A pleasant surprise, as the estimated ship date was not until December 15. So far, I have only been able to read the Introduction and a few pages of the first chapter. I am excited to continue reading the experiences of my NICE colleagues, and will be sure to report back upon finishing the book.

Published by Conductive Education Press, edited by Andrew Sutton and Gillian Maguire, available at Blurb for US$13.50.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Group on the CE Block

Wow, it's been so long since my last post! Cold winds and snowflakes have returned to the midwest, and it's nearly Christmas. I can't believe it!

After a little nudge, Susie M. and I have started a new project, a new Google Group called Spina Bifida and Conductive Education. Here is the group description:

This is a group for everybody who would like to see the benefits of Conductive Education extended and developed for children and adults with spina bifida, their families and their carers, wherever they may be.

Here you can share experience, ask questions, offer information and advice on CONDUCTIVE UPBRINGING at home and CONDUCTIVE PEDAGOGY however it might be applied.

The group welcomes the experiences and expertise of ANYONE who lives with spina bifida and everyone who wishes to help in a conductive manner.

Write in English, or in any language that you feel comfortable with.
Anyone can join -- Go to the right side of the page and click "Join this Group" and you will be directed to create a Google account. You can use your current email address to join.

Anyone can post, after they have joined -- Click on "Discussions" then "+ new post". Or add your comments to an existing discussion.

Please join us, and tell us your experience of Spina Bifida and Conductive Education.