After a little nudge, Susie M. and I have started a new project, a new Google Group called Spina Bifida and Conductive Education. Here is the group description:
Anyone can join -- Go to the right side of the page and click "Join this Group" and you will be directed to create a Google account. You can use your current email address to join.This is a group for everybody who would like to see the benefits of Conductive Education extended and developed for children and adults with spina bifida, their families and their carers, wherever they may be.
Here you can share experience, ask questions, offer information and advice on CONDUCTIVE UPBRINGING at home and CONDUCTIVE PEDAGOGY however it might be applied.
The group welcomes the experiences and expertise of ANYONE who lives with spina bifida and everyone who wishes to help in a conductive manner.
Write in English, or in any language that you feel comfortable with.
Anyone can post, after they have joined -- Click on "Discussions" then "+ new post". Or add your comments to an existing discussion.
Please join us, and tell us your experience of Spina Bifida and Conductive Education.
Good on the both of you for this excellent and much-needed innovation, and best wishes for its future.