Tuesday, December 15, 2009

CE Workshop in North America

The Association for Conductive Education in North America (ACENA) and the Conductive Learning Center (CLC) in Grand Rapids are happy to announce a two day workshop in March 18-19, 2010:


-Age and Symptom specific programs in various CE group settings including Parent & Child, Early Childhood and Adolescent groups

-General background information about the conditions of spina bifida and spinal injury at an early age

-Symptom specific goals and tasks in the heterogeneous CE group setting especially focusing on children with spinal injury/spina bifida

-Concepts such as activities during the daily routine, group work, motivation, intention, facilitation, and differentiation in a heterogeneous-symptom group setting

The workshop is suggested for:

Related Credentialed Professionals
Program directors/Administrators who are collaborating with CETs in CE settings.


Conductive Learning Center
2448 Burton S.E, Grand Rapids, MI
Phone: 616 575 0575

Fee: $200 for ACENA members. (Includes snacks and lunch at the Center for both days)

Deadline for Application: January 10th, 2010

The course will take place under the condition that at least 5 applications are received.

Note: Information taken from www.acena.org.

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