The ACENA (Association for Conductive Education in North America) Conference is being held again this year at the
Rehabilitation Institute in Chicago, September 3 & 4. Visit
ACENA's website for a Registration Form.
PROGRAMThursday, September 38:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-8:45 Welcome
8:45-9:45 Keynote - Vincent Garofalo, PhD. "Conductive Education in the USA: Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow"
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00-11:00 Julie Wright "Current Research Efforts on CE: Michigan State University"
11:10-12:15 Citlali Lopez, PhD. & Roberta O'Shea, PhD., PT "Current Research Efforts on CE: Governors State University"
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:45 Andrea Benyovszky, CET & Vincent Garofalo, PhD. "A Format for Documenting the Effects of Conductive Education on its Clients"
Parallel Sessions
1:55-2:40 Brent Page & Donna Mackay, “Life Stage Transition Service for Teens with Cerebral Palsy: An Ontario Experience”
1:55-2:40 Lara DePoy, OTR/L, “Impact of the Sensory System on Motor Development”
2:50-3:35 Monika Robinson, OTR/L, “Educational & Medical Research Supporting CE”
2:50-3:35 Dave Dvorak, PhD., “Fun with Fundraising”
3:45-4:30 Andrea Benyovszky, CET, “Traditional and Non-traditional Cases in CE: Appropriate Candidates”
5:30-7:30 Social Event at Quartino's Restaurant
Friday, September 47:30-8:30 ACENA Executive Committee Meeting
8:30-9:30 Dr. Deborah Gaebler, M.D., "Levels of Participation of Children with CP"
9:30-9:45 Break
9:45-10:45 Dr. Sue Mukherjee, M.D., "Resources for Transitioning Teens into Young Adults"
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Group Forum: "Future Vision and Strategies for the Practice of Conductive Education" ALSO TO INCLUDE: "A National Conductive Education Awareness Day" by Brent Page
Move directly to ACENA Membership Meeting